Saturday, June 30, 2012

Reboot & Regroup

Do you ever need to reboot and regroup yourSELF spiritually so you are ready to continue serving your family?? When my children were little we drove an hour to go to one fun place or another. Gas was cheap. We would bring a picnic lunch and while the children were playing, I had time to think and pray. 

Now that they are older and all but two are fledged the nest, driving an hour to a fun spot isn't always an option in their busy schedule. We drive 45 minutes to church. Gas isn't cheap. Now, if I need to think and pray, I only need to drive down our mountain, three miles to this beautiful spot. Before we moved five years ago, we used to drive an hour about once a year to visit this unique and beautiful bridge.

Rivers remind me of God's unending love. They are glorious. Ever flowing. Even when they are lower at summer's end, they still are flowing. Where does all that water come from?! Where does God's never-ending love come from?!

I want to love like God loves. It took me my whole life to get where I am. Do I have enough time left to get where I want to go with God?? Each day counts like there is no tomorrow. Love those around you like there is no tomorrow!!

This is a tow path along the river

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith," ~Galatians 5:22~

In Christ Alone,


  1. Judith, what a beautiful bridge and beautiful scenery. You are blessed to live so close. And I was really touched by your words. Like your comments on mine and other blogs, your words are always humble and open and desiring to know God better. Your words convict me in a very good and gentle way. Thank you. And thank you for sharing this on Bible Love Notes. I'm praying you have a peaceful, blessed week ahead.

  2. Yes! Getting away is a marvelous thing and to have this beauty so close to hand is wonderful. I take the kids to the pool everyday in the summer and find myself refreshed.
    Keep up the God work.

  3. Oh Yes! There is nothing like nature to help you reboot, I think it is because there we see God's hand so clearly. It is amazing your river is like the river that surrounds two thirds of our town! At the moment however the water is muddy and the river is almost overflowing its banks! Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower, blessings to you and yours, Sharon


If you have gone a little way ahead, O friend, call back --
Twill cheer my heart and help my feet along the stony track.


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