Monday, January 14, 2013

Welcome Joy into Your Home with Prayer

Another day has come and I am going to invite this new day in with prayer. 

I am not the best prayer warrior, I am not excusing myself but aiming to intentionally work better at praying in the year ahead. So won't you come along as you go through your day and pray with me?

This year, I am going to start a new habit that I should have thought about years ago. I am going to pray as I welcome the day into each room. 

Why not ask the Holy Spirit to dwell in each room, to reside in our home today? 

I have often prayed the 'blood of Jesus' over our home. There were days when we needed it desperately. 

We need to pray for peaceful homes even while it is peaceful because we have an adversary who is roaming about seeking whom he may devour. We are fighting a fierce battle and we need to arm ourselves!!

"Dear Lord, I invite you into my home today. Dwell in our home with the comfort of Your Holy Spirit. May Your presence be evident to each individual who lives here and those who once did. Keep them from ever forgetting Your presence. Keep them from sin. 

I invite you Lord to reside in our home and to shine like a beacon to our neighbors. Keep us from conflict and heal us from anything we have ever said and done which has hurt one another.  

Lord, fill our living room with your living presence. Bring neighbors to our home looking for encouragement and help in finding the One who resides in our home and hearts. 

Please dwell in me as a mom and give me grace-filled responses to my husband and children. Help me to learn to be the sunshine of our home being filled with the JOY of Your Holy Spirit dwelling in my home and the home of my heart. 

Dust the corners of my heart and cleanse me from all defilement and sin until I am washed through and through and through with Your precious blood. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

I'd LOVE you to leave a comment!!

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  1. Dear Judith. I just opened my laptop and here it was your post. I just used your prayer to pray over my living room, since I am already here. Yes, May our home be a house of prayer for neighbors and friends to come for encouragement. Bless you my sister!!

    1. is always so nice to find comments from you. You have been such a blessing to me also.

  2. Thank you for the blessed reminder. I was thinking along the same lines as I woke to a new day, but your words became my prayer.

    "Please dwell in me as a mom and give me grace-filled responses to my husband and children. Help me to learn to be the sunshine of our home being filled with the JOY of Your Holy Spirit dwelling in my home and the home of my heart. "

    Thank you!

    1. It seems like many of those who stop by are also joining in praying for their families. Not that we didn't already but maybe just a little more? More is always better!!

  3. This is such a awesome thought and beautiful prayer. I'l be writing my own prayer for my home this year. Thank you for allow God to use you to share this today.

    1. Thank you Pamela. I hope you post it so your prayer is shared. There is nothing like praying with other ladies that helps us all to keep praying and lifting our families up to the Lord.

  4. hmmm I never thought about prayer for my home :)

    1. It is sooo important. We went through some very very tough years when prayer was the only thing that kept us going. I would pray the blood of Jesus over our home as often as I remembered.

  5. Amen.
    I would be wise to remember this and also challenge myself to be a better prayer warrior. This blog made me think of the hymn, "What a friend we have in Jesus". So much encouragement in that hymn as well. The Lord Jesus loves to talk with us so I am sure He is pleased with this blog today. Thank you.

  6. Great idea! After we moved into this house I walked through the rooms and prayed over them. I had a friend that moved into a new neighborhood and prayed through her neighborhood. Thanks so much for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  7. I have known people who moved into homes where there had been a divorce with the couple who lived there before them. I don't think that divorce of someone living in our house before us needs to have power over us. Praying over the home sure doesn't give place to the devil who wants nothing more than to kill and destroy (forgot the third thing the devil wants to do).


If you have gone a little way ahead, O friend, call back --
Twill cheer my heart and help my feet along the stony track.


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