Saturday, November 5, 2011

Blogging My Way to Thankfulness!!

I am going to start off by sharing a verse that you just have never heard of before!! I'm sure of it because of how verses always stand out in a completely new way as the Lord speaks to me in a fresh way each day. I'm sure you know what I mean!!

Here it is:

"THIS is the day which the LORD hath made; we WILL rejoice and be glad in it!!" (Psalm 118:24

This is an absolutely gorgeous day today in the northeast where the sun doesn't always shine. It is brilliant outside . . . and I really ought to get outside before the sun goes down on the last day before the time change brings shorter afternoons. Earlier this week, the day (actually it was Monday) was going great, everything I did made me want to turn it into a blog. I was sweeping the leaves off the deck and something funny struck me about it  and I thought of how it could be said in a blog...but then the day took a turn and didn't turn out quite so bright!!

What the LORD keeps showing me over and over again is to look to Him and praise Him. Over and over (and again) because I seem to have to keep working on the same lessons continually. I forget so quickly once I have some problem looming before me. I should look in my bible right away for encouragement, or read all the verses that I write in my journal for future reference. It is too easy to get my eyes off of Jesus and off the cross and spiral down into the mucky mire. How about you?!

One thing I am very thankful for this week is the outlet I have found through some godly women who have taken the time to share with other like-minded ladies on their blogs. When I am tired beyond doing another thing, it is so nice to relax and read the encouraging thoughts that have been shared on some of the blogs I have found. It is the modern way of sharing with other women over the fence as we put out our laundry. 

Years and years ago, my grandmother lived in a small country town where several relatives shared backyards with each other. The church was around the block and my mother as a little girl would run to and uncle or aunts house in safety. I am sure conversations were exchanged much like is done through blogs and the comments shared between some of the ladies. I am so thankful for this outlet!!

We live on seven acres in a small town in a vacation area with summer camps and resorts but without other like-minded ladies that I am aware of. Many of you live in towns (small or big) where friends also are not close. You don't have woods separating you from your neighbors but lots of houses. It comes out the same and I am sure you also can appreciate being able to connect with other ladies like I am. 

Before computers (yes, there was a time when I had a typewriter not a computer) other homeschooling ladies would drop over (from 30 miles away) for a cup of tea (I really didn't know ladies drank coffee....duh!!). We would sit at my kitchen table watching the geese play on the pond through the bare trees in the farmer's field behind our house. Now, things have changed (including where we live ;-) and I just ate a couple cookies and drank an Arizona Mango tea (I got 2 for $0.99 yesterday) while I type this. The fellowship is just as much appreciated as twenty years ago even though my friends are a zillion miles away in cyberspace. 

You know, there is one more thing I often think of that I am thankful for!! I mean, a bunch more things!! I am thankful that I had the energy to do the laundry, and that my husband figured out why my dryer was tearing the clothes (including shredding my favorite skirt) and ordered the part, for all the cookies (yum) for my family to eat, and for such good health that I enjoy and should never take for granted, AND . . . for wonderful children (I hope some of them read this part!!!!)

Don't take for granted your health by any means. I have a couple friends that don't always have that blessing. All the thanks for all these thoughts go to the Lord Jesus who is the only one who gets the praise. NOTHING that I can do comes from me but through anyone who lives with me (here behind the scenes) and know me best, knows!!

What are you thankful for today, sisters?? 

Well, I have finished my cookie and tea . . . and the laundry is calling my name!! 

"The LORD is my strength and song, and is become my salvation." (Psalm 118:14)



1 comment:

If you have gone a little way ahead, O friend, call back --
Twill cheer my heart and help my feet along the stony track.


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