Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
I've MOVED!! & WholeHearted Home Wednesday LINKUP
Guess What?!
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You are invited to follow me over
WholeHearted Home
for this week's
WholeHearted Home Wednesday's LINKUP!!
This week's WholeHearted Faves:
Aisha over at Gracefully Empowered:Resting in God's Love
Had the most visits!!
Way to go, Aisha!!
Drop in for a visit with her!!
Willing and Able
Denise over at Refine Me shared:
Rhonda over at Following our Leader shared:
O Jesus, I Have Promised
"Lo, we have left all, and followed Thee"
~Luke 18:28~
We sang this hymn in church on Sunday and it spoke deeply to my heart.
Hymns are wonderful because they have so many biblical truths woven within the words that most repetitive choruses sung in churches just don't have.
I grew up during a time when rock music was raging and my interest in 'boring' hymns just lacked the depth they offered.
You might be like me, except that you just might be totally unfamiliar with hymns at all!!
Just take a moment to soak in the sweet words of this hymn.
O Jesus, I have promised
To serve Thee to the end;
Be Thou for ever near me,
My Master and my Friend:
I shall no fear the battle
If Thou art by my side,
Nor wander from the pathway
If Thou wilt be my guide.
O let me feel Thee near me,
The world is ever near;
I see the sights that dazzle,
The tempting sounds I hear;
My foes are ever near me,
Around me and with-in;
But, Jesus, draw Thou nearer,
And shield my soul from sin.
O Jesus, Thou hast promised
To all who follow Thee,
That where Thou art in glory,
There shall Thy servant be;
And Jesus, I have promised
To serve Thee to the end;
O give me grace to follow,
My master and my Friend.
If you are burdened with a situation with your children, husband, grandchildren, or a friend, your health, just continue to serve the Lord in what He has called you to do until the end.
Serve your family today with the grace Jesus has given you. He is your Master and your Friend.
Jesus will face the battles and your foes of those ugly attitudes you face (your own and your children) and will be by your side if you just let Him.
Last week, I got thrown way off kilter with my blog (you didn't notice?!)
All it takes is a day or two to get behind!!
I am also working extremely hard on my blog (though it looks neglected, LOL)
So, keep coming back to see what surprises
are happening in my neck of the woods!!
I'd LOVE you to leave a comment!!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Five Things that Change When You Have a Baby!!
Things change when you have a grandbaby (or two) and not everything gets done!!
If you have a baby (or toddler or two) and you are trying (like me) to get everything done, you are setting yourself up for major failure. You will feel like a failure (because you WILL fail) since you set your expectations too high.
You will get frustrated.
You might loose your temper.
And all because you are sitting there feeding your sweet baby thinking of all the things that you want to get done.
Enjoy your baby.
Enjoy the moment. Moments fly.
Having a baby will change your life!!
Not only will you wonder why you ever waited so long to have a baby (if you did indeed wait) but you find that your whole life is not at all the same.
When my oldest was born, it took me all day to prepare to go on vacation. My husband came home from work and wondered what I had done all day!! I was not packed. Everything was in chaos, yet I had diligently been preparing to go away all day!! What was wrong??
My baby was having a growth spurt and was nursing all day (so it seemed) and I was far from ready!!
Much of the time when we have babies and our family starts to grow we get caught up in the busyness of the moment and fail to enJOY and soak up each moment as they fly.
We are consumed by the emergency. I know I was.
Did you know that 5 weeks ago I had twin grandbabies?? Well, I didn't actually 'have' them, my daughter did. They are quite beautiful and are a gift from the Lord. Hmm...the Bible says that doesn't it?!
How often we 'say' that our children are gifts but we live like life is an emergency, stressing our family out as we rush through our agenda each day. Our agenda becomes our high place and our children (ooooh, and our dear husband) come in second!!
Have you ever stressed at your family all because you are striving (in your own strength) to get your agenda done?!
Do you ever wish you could have a second chance on your day??
You can!!
Jesus allows us to start fresh. He takes us just where we are and our life can be a new beginning.
Grandparenting is a new beginning. Ever wonder why grandparents allow their grandchildren to do what they would NEVER hava allowed their children to do growing up??
By the time you become a grandparent; you are finally prepared to parent!! {Tweet this and if you do, you're doing better than me!!}
Did you wonder why I have neglected to answer my comments??
Did you wonder why I failed to thank four Linky Party hostesses from last Monday for hosting??
Did you wonder why I didn't link up Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday??
You probably didn't miss having posts every day. Sometimes it is better not to post every day.
Since Tuesday, I have been caring for my twin granddaughters. Up at night, trying to keep up with housework by day.
And blogging?? Where does that fit in when you have a baby?!
Five things that change when you have a baby (or grandbaby, neice, nephew, or a neighbor's baby you are watching):
- Go SLOW ('cause you're tired) and be wonderstruck by God's goodness all around you.
- You used to wonder why your mother worried over your safety; now you worry and fret as you are filled with fears (founded and unfounded) for your child's well-being.
- The sacrifices you made to have a baby no longer feel like sacrifices. They are blessings.
- You are now a morning person, LOL!!
- You think of someone else instead of yourSELF.
So, if you have a baby, don't rush through your day. If there are a few more Hot Spots throughout your house, a pile here and another pile there, just persevere and remember, tomorrow is another day!!
Today I didn't get to everything. I woke up late (I was up in the night).
I didn't write out my list.
For days, I was going to re-organize my closet. I didn't. It is a HUGE hot spot with a closed door!l
I think I didn't finish the laundry.
What I did do:
- Remembered that the twins are eternal souls. We forget that babies are living souls. We just don't think that way.
- I fed the babies at least six times.
- I changed many diapers.
- Changed their clothes several times.
- I sang softly to them.
- I held these cute little baby girls.
- I took a gazillion pictures.
- I should have taken a nap. Did you?!
Babies have tiny features that are just amazing to observe. Tiny little toes, tiny fingers (oh so tiny), tiny little noses and ears, and sweet little eyes looking trustfully up at me.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made. We should be awestruck that God has designed our babies so intrically.
STOP long enough in your busy day to smell the sweet smell of your baby, snuggle your baby close and take in each moment God gives you a baby to cuddle. Sooner than you know it, you will be a grandparent and have to return the baby. Then, you will wish life wasn't rushing by so fast!!
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.' ~Psalm 139:14~
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.' ~Psalm 139:14~
Flexi of the Month
This month’s Flexi Of The Month, Elegant Emerald Dream is lovely with a stone set of emerald green surrounded with a classy Celtic frame. The adorning arrangement fancies stylish etched metal and green fire-polished beads. Elegant Emerald Dream has proven to be just dreamy with the “color of the year”, Emerald!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
WholeHearted Home Wednesday Linkup
Mary at Women to Women had most visits this week!!
This post is well worth the read as she tackles a very important
aspect of our life here on this earth!!
This post is well worth the read as she tackles a very important
aspect of our life here on this earth!!
She shared A Pretty Little Sin
Creative Christian Mama shared:
WholeHearted Home Wednesday
Linkup #31
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Time has flown by and it's time to share again!!
I love reading the posts you link, so hurry, hurry, hurry and linkup.
Marriage is for Keeps
From Your Kitchen
Organizing your Home
Mom's Sharing Jesus
And any way you have
WholeHeartedly served Christ in your Home!!
- Keep each post honoring to God.
- Remember the purpose is for community; and women love conversation!! So, please visit another blogger who posted on my Linky Party :-)
- It would sure be sweet if you would link back to WholeHearted Home
- This Linky Party is open until Saturdays at 11:59pm
- Thank you from the bottom of my heart as each of your posts are always such a blessing to me and other ladies. Happy linking!
Thanks for dropping by!!!
Your WholeHearted Comments make my day!!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
One Thing that Steals Joy
"And thou shalt quite take away their
from me,
that they die not."
~Numbers 17:10~
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This is a chapter out of the Old Testament that you might not have noticed before. I love the stories which are told in the Old Testament as they bring out the redemptive message of the New Testament.
In this story, God tells Moses to take a rod for each tribe of Israel. Twelve rods. The name of the head of each tribe is written on the rod (or branch) and they are placed in the tabernacle.
Remember, the Israelites are in the Wilderness. You know how you and I are in the dessert from time-to-time.
A Wilderness is:
- Discouraging!!
- Depressing!!
- Blah!!
- Mundane!!
- And so we murmur and complain!!
What steals our joy more than murmuring?!
God was using this thing with the buds as an illustration. God loves to bring His message alive with an object lesson.
God told the Israelites that one of the rods was going to bud.
"And I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel."
I want to ask you something. Do you murmur?
I think of 'murmuring' as being more subtle than out-and-out complaining. It is quieter, and we will say, "Oh, I wasn't complaining!" I know I've said that!!
Murmuring (as does complaining) wears our leader down. I have not been murmuring lately. I keep getting those nudges from the Lord.
How about you??
I know that when I had a bunch of little children under six (five to be exact) sometimes they would fuss and whine. They would fuss just because it was around 11 o'clock and time for a snack!!
So, Aaron's rod was brought as a testimony that the Lord would "take away" their murmurings.
You can't "go" it alone!! I know, I've tried!
God says He can 'take away your murmuring spirit.' 'You can't go it alone!!'
Since I live out 'in-the-sticks'... friends, like you are a long ways away!!
God says He can 'take away your murmuring spirit.' 'You can't go it alone!!'
- Call out to God.
- It says in the Bible to tell God your complaint.
- Ask God to take away your murmuring spirit.
Then, and only then can you go into God's presence with JOY, real JOY.
JOY isn't something you can conjure up. It has to be God-breathed even though life is not exactly what you'd like.
Has something in your life stolen your JOY, like murmuring? Maybe it is something else??
You can't 'go it alone' it is God who works in us and removes the sin in our life.
Go for it!!
Since I live out 'in-the-sticks'... friends, like you are a long ways away!!
Sooo, I'd love you to follow me on:
Don't forget to linkup your favorite posts:
Thursday, February 28, 2013
I Feel So Lost
I Feel So Lost
by Jennifer Daniel
I feel so lost dear Lord
Upon this planet earth
So small-a tiny entity
What can my life be worth?
How can Thy love be reaching me
I'm lost within the crowd
My plaintive cry for Thee to hear
Expires midst voices loud
What am I doing here dear Lord?
What worth my being here?
Life is so meaningless and void
None see each falling tear
My child, 'creation of My hands'
My precious, precious one
Look up to see my nail scarred hands
Which bid you nearer come
I died to save your sinful soul
I rose to give you power
I live to lead you step by step
Each God-appointed hour
You're here upon the planet earth
To do my Sovereign will
Complete my tasks-do what I ask
Your calling, child, fulfil
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