Monday, July 2, 2012

Four Things I Do When I Wake Up

How I start my day makes all the difference in the world. The thoughts running through my head when I wake up set the tone for the course of my day, at least how I respond to the way events play out.

Photo Credit: Haven of Rest

If I wake up feeling defeated and discouraged, I can change that by the things I choose to do within the first hour or two of my day. If I wake up feeling happy and joyful all the better!!

The four most important things I do in my Morning Routine:

  1. Make my bed
  2. Quiet Time
  3. Exercise
  4. Shower
My mother always stressed the importance of making my bed. Her reasoning was because it made the room look better; even if everything else was a mess. I have made my bed over the years, at first, primarily because my mother 'said so,' but I have found other reasons she had for her instructions. 

  • The bed is the focal point of the room. 
  • It looks inviting and provides a feeling of warmth. 
  • If other things in the room are cluttered, the made-bed draws one's eyes away.  
  • It lifts my spirits and provides a peaceful place for my Quiet Times with my Lord.

My Quiet Time; a priority in starting my day. When the issues of life weigh upon my heart, they flee so quickly once I have opened my Bible. God's presence and still-small voice speaking to me through His Word is what I need to begin my day. When God is first in my day, the circumstances will be the same, but the outcome is under His control.

Exercise has always been important to me. I was an active youngster, always loving to run to my destination. I loved to swim and do jack-knifes off the high-dive. In college I was better at PE than taking tests (sadly so.) 

Once children come along it becomes harder and harder to find time to exercise. Motivation is a whole different story when you are up during the night, up early, and bone tired by evening. So, during those years, I was off-and-on with exercising as many of you ladies have experienced. If I had better understood the benefits, I might have tried much harder to be consistent, but this will be another post, another day.

It is rare for me to make it to breakfast without a shower. This has been so important for improving any distorted outlook on my day. It sure feels great to be dressed and ready for my day. How thankful I have been those days when someone has dropped by early in the day!! It has also been a blessing when my husband has made an emergency phone call needing me to run out for something!!

These are the first steps every day in conquering my foe, the enemy, who wants to steal, kill, and destroy. I am lazy at heart like anyone else and also a master procrastinator. The biggest start towards having victory each day with the Lord is by following this simple routine. When I haven't, it is strange how many things just don't fall into place as easily. I will come back to my room an hour later and see my bed unmade, or I will never find time to read my Bible the rest of the day as one necessary task leads to another. It is funny how it is much easier to read my Bible while it is still dark than once the sun is up!! If I have neglected to take a shower, it becomes harder and harder to find time as my children needed me to start our homeschooling day.

Lately, I have dwaddled away time in this and that, or laid in bed too long 'praying' but more than likely (if the truth be told) dozing. This is a call to myself to be more intentional about my routine, getting right out of bed, reading my Bible, and bringing my thoughts into captivity, putting the Lord Jesus first, worshiping Him, and living my life to His glory. 

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, 
as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance:
 for ye serve the Lord Christ. 
(Colossians 3:23-24)

What does YOUR morning routine look like?? What are the first three or four things YOU do in your day?? Do these things help to chase the blues away and bring glory to God??

In Christ Alone,


  1. This is excellent advice Judith. This is going straight into my Favourite posts for this week over on E1A

    Good to be back... love your new look blog too :D

    1. You are so sweet!! I was visiting your new blog and 'happened' upon your favorite page. What an honor...I am just a small-time blogger and never expecting anything out of it...this has been so fun!!

      Your blog is beautiful!! I am trying to fix mine up with a proper header, button, and all those goodies...but getting very overwhelmed because I am so techy-behind!!

  2. Thank you so much for this post! I also have a similar routine! I find if I do not go by my routine my day can be very discouraging.
    I also find if I do not go to bed by a certain time at night I am VERY groggy the next day. Company has been showing up at my home for the past 3 nights (without warning) & last night it was 11pm before they left! I am trying to think of a way I can kindly tell them no campany past 7pm. Any advice would be appreciated :)
    Well here is my routine.....
    1. make my bed (important to me as well for the same reasons)
    2. spending time with the Lord
    3. making my hubby breakfast & having breakfast with him :)
    4. praying with my husbands before he leaves
    5. shower
    Again thank you for your post :)
    God Bless, Rosemarie

    1. Correction!!! I meant to say praying with my *husband* sorry!

    2. How nice to have company, yet, overstaying one's welcome can be a bit tiring. I have more on my 'morning routine' but these are the most important ones for me. I also make my husband breakfast if he is leaving at 6am. I used to make him his breakfast at 3:30am but that is not happening right now. Thanks for stopping by Rosemarie, I enjoyed you answering my post and entering into the conversation.


If you have gone a little way ahead, O friend, call back --
Twill cheer my heart and help my feet along the stony track.


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