If you shop for your food through a food co-op like I did for years, or through a buying club like Cosco or Sam's Club, you are buying in bulk. You wouldn't be purchasing individual items needed on your menu. You would take a different direction, than say me, now that I don't need the astronomical amounts of food I once needed when children ate-me-out-of-house-and-home.
I used to buy meet in bulk too. All my beef was grass fed and my chicken was antibiotic free. I would travel a distance to buy a quarter cow since I only had to do that a couple times a year. My young children really had a wonderful time as we would make a fun outing out of the trip.
Baby Steps to Grocery Lists:
- Make a list for each store you shop at (don't sit down and make all the lists alllllllllllll in one day!! Baby Steps, remember?!
- Make one list a day for a week until they are done (choose nap time??)
- Use your grocery receipt to jog your memory for what could go on the list.
- Cheat (shhhhhhhhhh!!) Yes, cheat!! Find your favorite Master Grocery List on a blog and adapt it to your needs and family.
- I have a Master Shopping List and then lists for each store. Well, to be honest I am redoing them...thus posting this is relevant to me and you!!
- THEN, I make my menu for the week.
So, take Baby Steps, do a little each day for a week and you will never get overwhelmed and discouraged. When my children were little, this saved time and money. When I neglected to make a list, I was more apt to buy items that would attract my attention rather than what I needed.
Do you have a grocery list or do you think this is too time consuming for the season you find yourself in right now? Do you have any tips for making grocery lists?
I am sure mine is not exhaustive!!
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When something runs out I add it to the list on the fridge. The list is just a running tally of anything needed. Of we are running to the store I grab it. Do other people really not do this? I rarely go to the store without a list! :)